Alcohol & Ethanol

NCP Alcohols Molasses to Corn Conversion and Expansion Project

Durban, South Africa

Provision of Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM).
• Project Scoping provision of Cost Estimate
• Detailed engineering design
– Preparation of PIDs
– Equipment specification
– Piping design
– Civil, Structural, Architecture and Utilities
– Electrical Controls and Instrumentation
• Procurement Management
• Project Controls and Contract Management, Project Planning
– (50+ Contracts and Supply agreements)
• Construction Management and supervision
• Factory commissioning support


Green Fuel Ethanol Plant

Chisumbanje, Zimbabwe

Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) permit and Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
Provision of Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM).
• Project Scoping provision of Cost Estimate
• Detailed engineering design
– Preparation of PIDs
– Equipment specification
– Piping design
– Civil, Structural, Architecture and Utilities
– Electrical Controls and Instrumentation
• Procurement Management
• Project Controls and Contract Management, Project Planning
– (50+ Contracts and Supply agreements)
• Construction Management and supervision
• Factory commissioning support